Today we go to Flam. Flam origins in the old Nordic Flá, meaning "small plain among steep mountains". There is a daily fast ferry from Bergen to Flam, that is between May and September. To and fro this ferry takes 12 hours, 45 minute.

 We see it passing our cottage every day. 

We board in Nordeide.

Quickly we have left the small bay.

Passing countless waterfalls...

... terrific views...

... and more waterfalls...

... narrow cannions...

... and several stops down to Flam.

First of all lets have a coffee.

Lots of shops here, everything geared to tourism.

First of all of course there is fish...

...and not least the famous Flam-train.

We get a 2 hours' stay...

...before travelling back.

Quickly the ferry gathers speed.

It's a scenic tour indeed.

We alight and watch the ferry turning into the fjord towards Bergen.




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