Today it's Sognefjellet, the highest situated pass of Northern Europe. We'll make a serpentine tour of 47 kilometres up to 1,300 metres.

In former times highwaymen endangered the region, robbing traders. Today however we do not worry.


Now, isn't this an interesting building?  

A ship takes us to the opposite shore of the Sognefjords. For a moment we are confused because no one wants any fee from us. Why should they? In Norway this works automatically - different to Germany. The passage is charged off the bank account.

Seen from the distance, it does not look that bad and not like real snow. This will change soon.


Say Hello to a small triple waterfall and proceed to the snow.

Suddenly the street narrows, left and right are high snow walls, about 3 metres height. Now we realize why the route is closed in winter and busses beyond 12.4 m length are not allowed to pass. They would get stuck at the next corner.

Scattered cottages but living here and travelling down and up again for shopping is a little too arduous for us.

Now and then we see such stone piles. We learn that in former times they served as waymarks - for hikers and the few locals living here.

We proceed along the wintery landscape. Lucky today as to weather. On we go down the highest pass road of Northern Europe.

No end to the view. One mountain chain after the other.

Hier, at the parking lot of Mefjellet we find a perfectly square rock, the surface glittering in the sunlight. What is that good for? Some Knud or other made this rock sculpture - looking through it you see the mountain scenery with different eyes. Well, maybe...

We arrive at the skiing centre, logically being named Sognefjellshytta. We have refreshments her, a warm place and a great view. This is our actual destination, in a short distance we are taken to the highest spot of the area.

Reaching the highest point, it is finished and we travel back.

On our return we meet a collapsed car, the driver waiting for the tow service. Our car managed the downhill torture well enough. Anyway, steep curves are still waiting for us.

Not much of a problem with that little oncoming traffic.

Back we go via the Tindevegen which takes us along a tollway and no ferry is to follow.

This way you have literally to spiral down until leaving the snow region. We get back to the green landscape.

Just a few bends and we return to our cottage. Certainly there are easier routes but this one just is swell.

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